talks + teaching


Jan. AFK in Amsterdam Zuidoost Art Talk


Nov. Sneakerness Rotterdam Footlocker Radio

Oct. Sneakerness Amsterdam ‘Fashion Talks’ by Footlocker

Sept. AMFI in Amsterdam on Style and identity


Nov. Sneakerness Rotterdam on ‘The best sneaker of 2021 according to women’.

Nov. Hogeschool van Amsterdam on creative entrepreneurship

Sept. AMFI in Amsterdam on Style and identity

Aug. Sneakerness on ‘How to turn your (sneaker) hobby into a business’


Sept. AMFI in Amsterdam on Style and identity

Sept.Amsterdam University College on Clothing consumption and donation.

Feb. Universiteit van Amsterdam on fashion and locally produced materials in Urban Africa


Oct. JSP West on style and presentation when for young aspiring entrepreneurs. 

Oct. ROC van Amsterdam on work you can also do in/around fashion; my work. 

Sept. Lyceum Sancta Maria in Haarlem on "Consumerism, style and identity'

Sept. Amsterdam University College in Amsterdam on "Consumerism, style and identity"

Sept. Amsterdam Fashion Institute (HvA) in Amsterdam on "Fashion and Anthropology"

Sept. Africa Fashion Conference in London on: "Trends in Fashion" & "Cultural Appropriation" 

June. Amsterdam University College in Amsterdam on: "An urban anthropology field trip through Amsterdam Southeast".

June. We Make M-ODE at We Make the City Festival in Amsterdam on:" The social impact on the local fashion industry"

June. Civic Amsterdam in Amsterdam on: A workshop "Style is the visual expressio of you identity".

May. ROC van Amsterdam in Amsterdam on: "Research on style in urban Africa. How, why and what do I?"


Nov. Elle Lock in Accra on sneaker culture: "Africa, the next retail and design frontier?"

Sept. Amsterdam University College in Amsterdam on "The social impact of our clothing donations"

June. Mode Muze x OBA in Amsterdam on: "What happens to your donated clothing after donation?"

May. The Studio Accra in Accra on: "Accra’s sneaker collectors and culture".

May. Africa Now Festival for the Africa Museum in Berg & Dal: "Fashion in urban Africa"

Febr. OSCAM in Amsterdam on "ISSA LIFESTYLE- on girls, sneakers and entrepreneurship"

Jan. Tailored Tour at the Tropenmuseum for the exhibition "Fashion Cities Africa"

Jan. Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam on "Lagos' style is more than just glamour"


Oct. Schouwburg Utrecht for Afrovibes on: "Roundtable conversation on How African is African?"

Sept. Centraal Museum in Utrecht on: "Wearers of fashion"

Sept. Afrovibes Festival in Amsterdam on popular West African music

Sept. Tailored Tour at the Tropenmuseum for the exhibition "Fashion Cities Africa"

Aug. Lowlands for Centraal Museum "Searching for the best festival outfit at Lowlands"

May. Fashion Guide Africa in London on "Trends and style in Accra, Ghana"

April. the ObA in Amsterdam for Mode Muze on "The head wrap, a style item with a rich history"