On this page you’ll find my passion projects; ongoing (field) research. Clients buy research findings or hire my to do extended research. I focus on lifestyle and consumer insight. If you’re looking for a (field) researcher - shoot me an email. I conduct research alone or with a team from our agency realfakeshoes.
queens + sneakers
a realfakeshoes project
Queens & sneakers is a realfake series that aims to inspire sneakerheads the world over and showcase sneaker culture through its queens. With Sneakerjagers Maartje van den Hurk and I are hosting the ‘Queens & Sneakers Show’ in which we invite queens over for a talk on a shared love.
the swoosh
the symbol of greatness (Lagos)
The Swoosh is arguably the most recognisable logo around, in it's authentic clean and smooth shape but also in creative variations of it. I'm curious to find out what the logo means to people in different contexts and subcultures. I therefore research the Swoosh and it's tribes across the globe.
streetwear culture
in Accra, Amsterdam, Lagos and London
Streetwear is a globalised way of dressing that finds its relevance locally and has local meaning. The style of dressing gained a lot of popularity in the past years, all over the world. What do the local streetwear subcultures look like and what are the stories being told? What are the future perspectives?
on mike, versage & sumprea
How original fakes can be (Accra)
As an anthropologist with interest in lifestyle and fashion I'm fascinated y the quest of 'real' and 'authentic'. Why do we buy and wear certain items and/or brands? How do we identify with them and what do these brands mean to us? What do words like 'real', 'original' mean to whom? Who decides what is cool and what not?
culture shakers
a podcast series with culture shakers from around globe
Culture Shakers is an interview series in which I, Carmen Hogg, talk to creatives from around the world who are doing something genuinely fresh in music or fashion, or playing a leading role in the rapid evolution of city life, all subjects that engage me like no other. The first season kicks off in Accra, where I link up with a couple of truly unorthodox entrepreneurs. You find the interviews on Soundcloud.